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parsedmarc.sink.base πŸ”—

BaseConfig πŸ”—

Bases: BaseModel

Base config for all sinks.

New in 9.0.

Sink πŸ”—

    name: str = "default",
    config: dict[str, Any] | None = None,

Bases: LoggingMixin

Base class for Sinks. Sinks receive reports for processing.

New in 9.0.


profile name for this instance, ideally should be unqiue to easily idenfity this instance and any log messages it produces

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'default'


config for this instance

TYPE: dict[str, Any] | None DEFAULT: None

state property πŸ”—

state: AppState

Read only Sink state

cleanup πŸ”—

cleanup() -> None

Perform cleanup on this source.

This method is called as a part of self.shutdown.

Child classes can override this method to implement their own logic. It is still recomended to call super().cleanup().

process_report πŸ”—

process_report(report: Report) -> None

Default method for processing reports.

Rather than directly processing reports, checks for methods matching a given report type and if it exists passes teh report to it. If no method exists for the given report does nothing.

Supported methods:

  • process_aggregate_report
  • process_forensic_report

setup πŸ”—

setup() -> None

Perform setup actions to ensure this Sink is ready to produce.

Child classes can override this method to implement their own logic.

Child classes should
  • check that self._state == AppState.SHUTDOWN
  • set self._state = AppState.SETTING_UP
  • do their setup actions
  • if an error occurs set self._state = AppState.SETUP_ERROR
  • otherwise set self._state = AppState.RUNNING

shutdown πŸ”—

    timeout: int | float = 120, force: bool = False
) -> None

Attempt to gracefully shutdown this source.


Giveup after this many seonds (TODO)

TYPE: int | float DEFAULT: 120


If a timeout would occur, instead force shutdown.

TYPE: bool DEFAULT: False

validate_config πŸ”—

validate_config() -> None

Validate the config of this instance

Child classes can override this method to implement their own logic. It is still recomended to call super().validate_config().