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nserver.transport 🔗

CachedConnection dataclass 🔗

Dataclass for storing information about a TCP connection


Name Type Description
connection socket

the actual socket we are connected to

remote_address Tuple[str, int]

the socket's peername

last_data_time float

timestamp when we last received data from this socket

selector_key SelectorKey

key used by our TCP Transport's selector

cache_key CacheKey

the key used to store this connection in the cache

MessageContainer 🔗

    raw_data: bytes,
    transport: TransportBase,
    transport_data: Any,
    remote_client: Union[str, Tuple[str, int]],

Class for holding DNS messages and the transport they originated from.

Used to simplify the interface (and allow for threading etc later).

Create new message container


Name Type Description Default
raw_data bytes

The raw message pulled from the transport. It will parsed as a DNS message.

transport TransportBase

The transport instance that created this message (e.g. self). Messages must only be returned to this transport instance when responding (even if it would be possible for another instance to respond (e.g. with UDP processing)). As such transports should rely on only receiving messages that they created (opposed to assert message.transport is self).

transport_data Any

Data that the transport instance wishes to store with this message for later use. What is stored is up to the transport, and it is up to the transport implementation to correctly handle it.

remote_client Union[str, Tuple[str, int]]

Representation of the remote client that sent this DNS request. This value is primarily to allow logging and debugging of invalid requests. Whilst transport instances must set this value, they should NOT use it for processing.


get_response_bytes 🔗


Convert response object to bytes

TCPMessageData dataclass 🔗

Message.transport_data for TCP transports


Name Type Description
socket socket

the socket this message was received on

TCPv4Transport 🔗

TCPv4Transport(settings: Settings)

Bases: TransportBase

Transport class for IPv4 TCP.


receive_message 🔗

receive_message() -> MessageContainer

As per parent class

send_message_response 🔗

send_message_response(message: MessageContainer) -> None

As per parent class

start_server 🔗

start_server(timeout: int = 60) -> None

As per parent class

stop_server 🔗

stop_server() -> None

As per parent class

TcpState 🔗

Bases: IntEnum

State of a TCP connection

TransportBase 🔗

TransportBase(settings: Settings)

Base class for all transports


Name Type Description Default
settings Settings

settings of the server this transport is attached to


receive_message 🔗

receive_message() -> MessageContainer

Receive a message from the running server

send_message_response 🔗

send_message_response(message: MessageContainer) -> None

Respond to a message that was received by the server

start_server 🔗

start_server(timeout: int = 60) -> None

Start transport's server

stop_server 🔗

stop_server() -> None

Stop transport's server

UDPMessageData dataclass 🔗

Message.transport_data for UDP transports


Name Type Description
remote_address Tuple[str, int]

UDP peername that this message was received from

UDPv4Transport 🔗

UDPv4Transport(settings: Settings)

Bases: TransportBase

Transport class for IPv4 UDP.

receive_message 🔗

receive_message() -> MessageContainer

As per parent class

send_message_response 🔗

send_message_response(message: MessageContainer) -> None

As per parent class

start_server 🔗

start_server(timeout=60) -> None

As per parent class

stop_server 🔗

stop_server() -> None

As per parent class

UDPv6Transport 🔗

UDPv6Transport(settings: Settings)

Bases: UDPv4Transport

Transport class for IPv6 UDP.

receive_message 🔗

receive_message() -> MessageContainer

As per parent class

send_message_response 🔗

send_message_response(message: MessageContainer) -> None

As per parent class

start_server 🔗

start_server(timeout=60) -> None

As per parent class

stop_server 🔗

stop_server() -> None

As per parent class

get_tcp_info 🔗

get_tcp_info(connection: socket.socket) -> Tuple

Get socket.TCP_INFO from socket


Name Type Description Default
connection socket

the socket to inspect



Type Description

Tuple of 28 integers.

Strictly speaking the data returned is platform dependent as will be whatever is in /usr/include/linux/tcp.h. For our purposes we cap it at the first 28 values.

get_tcp_state 🔗

get_tcp_state(connection: socket.socket) -> TcpState

Get the TcpState of a socket


Name Type Description Default
connection socket

the socket to inspect


recv_data 🔗

    data_length: int,
    connection: socket.socket,
    existing_data: bytes = b"",
    timeout: int = 10,
) -> bytes

Receive a given amount of data from a socket.


Name Type Description Default
data_length int

number of bytes to receive

connection socket

the socket to receive data from

existing_data bytes

data that is added to the response before we collect further data

timeout int

time before giving up in seconds



Type Description

timeout was reached before we finished receiving the data